THEOism Retirement Myth

Retirement_Myth Retiree

One of our latest THEOism Conversations was focused on the great dream the majority of working individuals designed their retirement travel and lifestyle 20 to 40 years in advance of their true retirement date.

What we learned is that 80% or more of retired individuals could not and did not enjoy their retirement as planned due to the following reasons.

Reason #1

Married couples were unable to fulfill their dream retirement because one of the partner was no longer around, they transitioned a few years before their retirement date.

Reason #2

The older they got, the more health issues they start to experience. 

Majority of Retirees Spend Their Health Gaining Wealth, and now They Are Spending Their Wealth Trying To Regain Their Health.

Reason #3

A large number of retirees find themselves filling the role of the official babysitter for their grandchildren that impedes them from living that dream retirement that was planned many years before.

Reason #4

THEOism research unveiled an oxymoron where retirees were transformed into the family’s source for financial support, while other retirees hold on to every penny and create a WILL to be shared upon their transition.

Reason #5

Number 5 was the most touching and spiritual troublesome to many of our THEOism Practitioners.

We learned that many successful business executives, entrepreneurs, and simple loving parents became a burden to their children’s lifestyle to the point that retirement homes, Senior Citizen Homes, and Nursing Homes are where they were sent to spent their last days.

Many were placed in these homes because they were more equipped to deal with the daily needs of their loved one(s) and this is understandable.

What shook the humanity in our THEOism Practitioners and Coaches, is when they learned that family took their loved ones to these homes and never came back to visit them, not even once.

  • THEOism Retirement Masterplan

Your retirement plan should be designed with the following truth as it foundation.

We are Transitory Vacationers on Planet Earth that has an expiration passport.

There are documented, visual and personal evidence that the above 5 points are true, therefore, your retirement plan should be based on an annual basis, even if your travel plans are within the borders of your present environment.

We were not surprised when it was revealed during a THEOism Conversation that 75% or more residents of a country, never truly travel and experience all the flora, fauna, and tourism attractions that are available in their own backyard.

Let us assume you are 25 years old, and retirement age is 65, which means that you must work at least 40 years before retirement.

Your retirement plan should be a 40-year plan, whereby you celebrate each year that you complete.

Make sure that by your 5th to 10th working year, that each year’s vacation, you learned about and experienced your country’s treasure that visitors spent thousands of dollars to travel to your country to enjoy.

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