Religious & Spiritualism Tolerance

I Need A Balance. 

I genuinely enjoy the Ancient History we share, but being a Spiritualist, means you have reached a level of tolerance and understanding. 
Spirituality is about internal peace and sharing with others the steps to enlightenment.
Even though all the Articles posted are factual, we shared in One Big Dose the weaknesses of Christianity. Continue to share where many of today’s philosophies, ideologies, and religious dogmas originate. 
At the same time, share some spiritual concepts to help others find their Temple of Inner Peace.
THEOism is not a platform to declare War Against Christianity or any other Religion.
THEOism is an educational platform that removes the veil of today’s religious and spiritual hypocrisies and, at the same time, uplift others to become true spiritualist.
Please share motivational quotes, meditation techniques, wellness tips, and spiritual lifestyles that others can incorporate into their lives.
Our daily posts are evidence that this group is composed of Ancient Scholars, educators, and enlightened individuals who found THEOism to be the Spiritual Portal to share with others.
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