I Need A Balance.
I Need A Balance.
Today is 3:50 pm, Saturday, March 27, 2021. I am sitting at my desk in Lucea, Hanover Jamaica where I am about to have another conversation with myself, or is it the reverse, my Ancestors are about to have a conversation with me?
Over the last couple of weeks, maybe months, I have been watching the energy and vibration in the form of my 23 plus years companion, friend, wife, soulmate, Sharon Parris-Chambers, and I came to the realization that even though we share the same space on a daily basis for almost 24 years, I will never truly know her.
In order to develop a spiritual and corporate balance in our lives, we need to understand how the two are created and who is responsible for their creation.
Please select below the answer you feel is correct to each of the following 12 (twelve) questions
One of our latest THEOism Conversations was focused on the great dream the majority of working individuals designed their retirement travel and lifestyle 20 to 40 years in advance of their true retirement date.
What we learned is that 80% or more of retired individuals could not and did not enjoy their retirement as planned due to the following reasons.
Reason #1
You know time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems like yesterday that I was young, just married, and embarking on my new life with my mate.
Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all those years went.
I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams. But, here it is... the winter of my life, and it catches me by surprise...
Book: Theoism – Understanding the Universe Within
Author: Theo Chambers
Critic: Glenville Ashby, PhD
Insightfully engaging is ‘Theoism,’ the latest work of Caribbean thinker Theo Chambers. Written in his signature unorthodox style, Theoism reads like a codex reserved for esoteric societies. But this hardly takes away from its pragmatism.
Chambers forays into a pastiche of timeless questions, none more than the nature of being.
“The word of God is the Creation we behold and it is this word, which no human invention can counterfeit or alter, that God speaketh universally to man.”
Thomas Paine
The conversations we are about to have about human creation is not based on indisputable facts, but on what we presently understand to be truthful.
THEOism practitioners have adopted UBUNTU as one of their lifestyle principles.
I Am Because We Are is evidence through our DNA.
Our DNA is the repository of all of our Ancestors from all walks of life. We Exist Because They Exist In Us!
I was about 12 to14 years old when my mentor, Professor Alfred Rowe (Now An Ancestor), took me to the beach around 6:00 a.m. one morning in Colon, Panama.
We sat on a big rock overlooking the ocean when he asked me to describe what I saw on the ocean floor.
I told him that I could see fish, stones, crabs, broken glass, and many other things.
There is no absolute truth in our statements, conclusions, and theories because we leave the door open for discoveries that could influence our present ideologies.
We approach all of our conversations fluidly,
which allow us to adapt to new truth.
Theo Chambers
Theo is the Greek word for God. THEOism is a lifestyle that integrates the Cosmic Laws of Nature into its daily activities. We believe in the theory that we live 24/7 within our body; therefore, we are the master of The Universe Within.
Are you ready to explore the depths of your being as a creator? If you are, you will enjoy reading THEOism.
This book will challenge you to acknowledge and become the master of the universe within.
The premise of THEOism as a lifestyle, not dogma, allows truth to come to the surface when one awakens to the awareness that consciousness is breathingyou as part of the divine law.
Life, a simple term that describes a very complex state of affairs and the ability to master one's existence, is the topic that the book "THEOism" introduces.
A great friend, who happens to be a published author, Theo Chambers, penned his latest work to look in-depth at Life, Existence, Purpose, and how we can best be the Gatekeepers of our greatest gift from the Universe.
Writing a blueprint to share, this book gives an insightful, in-depth look at how individuals can assume a position that will serve as a steward to the Gift of Life that we are given.